29 April 2008

Belief Bubble - Part Two

In part 1we have explored that not all beliefs are supportive of our goals. Most of our beliefs have limiting effect to what we can achieve. Take a risk by asking your friends that you want to seriously think of going into business as you want to make big bucks. The likely respond will be:

It is too risky to start any business.

If it never work out we are doomed

You need lots of money

You need to have good contacts

Only the intelligent people are good in business

We do not have the experience

These can be the common reactions from your friends. Do not worry about them. They will be where they are forever. If you have one friend who has the following to say, he is on the right track of success:

- It is worth taking a risk then never try
- If we can draw out a plan well enough we might succeed
- If it is a good idea we can think about the funds later
- We can get good contacts along the way
- We better be smart now to go into business then be sorry later
- We have the experience of working for people. Now we use this experience and make people to work for us.

It is very important that we have empowering beliefs. There is no point to belief in something which cannot empower or enrich your life. Have empowering beliefs to enrich your lives.

In a cocktail party, you observe a very beautiful woman sitting by herself. You want to befriend her. But something is stopping you. In your mind if you have a belief that:

‘all pretty women go for good looking guys’;

‘all pretty women only befriend guys who have big pockets’;

‘all pretty women will not be faithful’;

‘all pretty women are not caring’

- then in a thousand years you will not approach any beautiful women.

Try and change the above to this :

‘my friends will praise me for having a beautiful woman as a girl friend’

‘If I happen to have a beautiful wife then my children will be beautiful too’.

With these simple change of beliefs will without doubt change our lives for the better. Don’t you think so?

28 April 2008

Belief Bubble

As a child, I love to play ‘blow bubble’. You have this soap liquid in a small container and you have ‘search button’ like dipper. You dip this dipper into the liquid and blow out the soapy water and you create beautiful bubbles. Our lives are like these soap bubbles. We had been living in our belief bubbles-it is the result of early conditioning or someone has had already conditioned us to live in that flimsy bubble!

The Great Buddha once told his disciple that ‘We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think…’

It is time to break this belief bubble surrounding us if there is a need to change your life. If you want to improve your finance, career, romance, marriage, your rapport with your friends, children, your living conditions, lifestyle it is imperative that the beliefs you hold to this day need to be revised.

Have you seen people with lots of cash in their vault? I have. Have you found out what is the difference between them and the people with zero bank balance? The difference is that the cash rich is preoccupied to save much money as they can and earn money in whichever way they want to.

It is very easy to break the bubble you are living in. But you need a new bubble that brings you towards the destination chosen. It is like shifting to a new ‘home’ of living.

If you happen to get an opportunity to marry a rich opposite sex who is 20 years older than you, does it matter if it goes against your belief that your life partner should be much better than you in charisma? Or perhaps you will think that your friends will look down on you because you get into it for money.

If you have decided on a goal, do not let your unsupportive beliefs get into the way. List down your beliefs and see if it is working for your goal. If you want to get rich read 10 Impeding Beliefs That Prevent You From Getting Rich.

The first step to success is to define a goal. The second step is to find the methodology. Finally, you have to dispose useless beliefs and create a fresh belief bubble

27 April 2008

Decorate Your Email

Dear readers, If your are shy to make a comment in my blog you can still contact me via email. And i have given a face lift to my email by decorating it here. You can do that to your email too. After all, most part of a blog is design! Don't you agree?

23 April 2008

22 April 2008

Do You Need To Hit Your Opponent?

Do you need to hit each other?

Free Clipart

Despite given a fairly equal ability the successful people mostly come outstanding by hitting their counterparts hard. It is like the ‘tom and jerry’ cartoon where Tom hits Jerry. And, Jerry waiting for an opportunity to hit Tom.

Is this necessary for any success? When I say ability I mean the physical and mental abilities to perform the same kind of work. In this case even if you do not hit your ‘opponents’ down, it still makes your ‘rival’ less worthy as you have carried out the job well.

One fine day there is an email in your inbox from your senior saying that you have not sent him or her the report on time. But in fact you have done it so. You are a conscientious worker. After you have spoken to ‘boss’ over the telephone he or she still not convinced about your story. In that case you can provide evidences that you have faxed to him on time. Despite clarifications, the senior did not send you a fresh email to dilute the previous email by telling you how sorry he or she was in the misjudgement. But if there is no such reply, then you better hit him or her back as the first email was ‘cc ied’ to your head of department. Clear your good name.

In every Apprentice episode, the loser will walk away after being hit by so many people in the boardroom. In life you can become the sculptor or the statue. Either way you will win in the end.

21 April 2008

How To Change Your Blogspot Template

In my earlier article –titled why do I blog? - I have mentioned simple reasons for blogging. If you any other factors of blogging you may wish to place your good comments there. Here I want to discuss write about how to change your blogger design.

Do not get upset as I will not be writing about html. I will show you an easy method to upload your high quality template into your existing blogspot.com blogs. Today, I was actually lucky to find this site PYzam .

Here you can find very high quality templates. Go to this site and browse your favourite template. Get your code. Right click the code and paste in your notepad. Save it as .xml file.

Sign in to your blogspot account and go to ‘Layout’. Click ‘edit html’. Save your original template in case you need it back. Click ‘browse’ button and download your .xml file that you have saved. If preview works then you can save template.

Even if your are a serious blogger, I think it is a good practice to change your blog template in order to attract readers. Content may be king. But what is the use of having good content without striking design. Beauty may not be skin deep.

19 April 2008

Seclusion Of The Mind

While I was performing a meditation, my phone began to ring. I simply cannot get away with technological disturbances. I should have made the phone mode to ‘off’ as a form of escapism from tech world. It requires conscious effort to avoid the ‘devil’.

Among the many human diseases, it is time to realise that involving with technology has its bad effects. The hardest problem the human mind face with technology is of course ‘addiction’ to it. Too much of anything can be addiction. The vulnerability of the human mind set forth a pattern of human behaviour as a result of close affiliations. It has to be ‘trained’ to be so called ‘non-committal’. Seclusion of the mind can be the answer.

Teenagers are most affected with technology. Name one teenager who does not have a hand phone. Short messaging for example can elicit unquestionable reverence through time. Internet is the next world the human mind has to deal with. Seth says ‘..the internet doesn’t help. Today, bad news anywhere in the world shows up in your browser in seconds…’ To have a peaceful mind, the mind needs some sort of seclusion.

After meditation, I call back my missed call. Guess what. Someone on the other side has problem with the browser. No peace of mind from something that is not real.

17 April 2008

16 April 2008

Why Do I Blog?

Why do I blog? – It was during the year 2006, when I got a lap top for $800/- from a friend. I found that the internet is the best place to look for many things. One of it is how you can express your ideas through a web log.

I happened to find Blogger with which you can make a nice blog for free: create an account; name your blog; choose a template. Despite having zero knowledge of hyper text markup language (html) I was able to create a blog. That’s great I thought.

Got To Hear Me

From infant we are told what to do. Our wants had been crushed one way or another by our parents and guardians. When we had joined in a school our teachers became our so called beacon of guidance. When we joined in a workforce, our friends and colleagues became our mentors. We cannot change reality.

But the internet world is entirely different. You can throw a junk of your thoughts. No one seemed to care much. In fact when I did my first blog, I did not care much about what others might say or think about what I say. I just threw whatever I felt about an incident or an event.

Who ever reads my blog has to just ‘hear’ me ‘babbling’ away without thinking what the other thinks about me of my thoughts. I simply care less. Blog is unlike reality. No matter what, you got to hear me and hear me good. At least for a while until your blog ranks higher through time.

There is a chance that the readers may comment on what is written. It can be positive or negative to what you have written. But to date I have got no real comments. Either what I am writing is foolish or that I had been doing a perfect ‘sermon’. I am the ‘pastor’ and you are the page readers. You can ‘hear me’ loud and clear but I can’t ‘hear’ you!

I feel great about this thing called blog.

Online diary

Blog can be my online diary. Anything that happens in our lives is for our own learning. Why did I not gel with that person? Why am I still struggling in life? What happened in office today? Why I got a crush with the office staff?

Online diary is a little different from our usual book diary. In book diary you write and keep in the closet. In blogs you need to be rather careful in what you say. Though there is 100 percent freedom in what you say but there is a limit. Always use common sense argument and see the interesting side of things. And do not get very personal.

In my many posts I have deliberately included my personal experiences very subtly to explain certain concepts of the subject matter. Rather than making your blog as a diary it is a smart way of introducing yourself at a personal level when you post your blogs.

Love writing

This is conditional. To be a successful blogger you need to be a prolific natural writer. Blog is not like writing a book. If the posts are written in a way of having a communication with the reader, the chances the reader may like your writing. If a blogger can communicate with the reader then he becomes an excellent blogger.

Do not be too sensitive about the language. Do make mistakes and let your reader correct you by comments. In this manner you can rank high in page. Try to play innocent and be very humble in writing. The reader will only judge a blogger by the way he writes. So be as humble as possible and ask for their wonderful opinions.


The basis of any affiliations is money. It is the root of life. It is the medium for a comfortable life. The internet will become an uninhabitable world if the perks of blogging are not there. Using Google Ad sense and other Affiliate Marketing Programs as a blogger you can monetize your blog.

When busking using your blog I always will try not fall into the anxiety trap. Initially, your ad sense accounts show very little money made despite having made 10 posts. But, as I have once said blogging is a marathon game. If you think you can make quick bucks by blogging put your fingers at rest and do other interesting thing.

Get focused on your theme and topics that you will want to post. Do not fade just because your money chart moves up like a snail. Rather be passionate on your everyday post and try to concentrate on your content.

15 April 2008

How Do You Drive Traffic?

One way of improving traffic is to join MyBlogLog team. Log in HERE

Within minutes you get many readers connecting to your side. Download a good picture of yours to your profile. Be polite enough to place your page to other readers who connects to you. Get connected with other readers. Get the recent reader widget and you can place it in your blog too.

What do you think of MyBlogLog?

14 April 2008

Build Traffic With Link Referral

Another site I will like to recommend is link referral for traffic building. By joining into this site a blogger will have four pronged approach in developing free traffic for members:

A member will be included in the site directory which can be visited by over one hundred thousand members on a daily basis. By this your site ranking may hit sky rocket!

This is a free version of internet marketing. By getting the referral widget into your blog, new visitors to your blog may be interested to sign in for this traffic building site and the probable exponential growth can affect your site to be placed in the top featured site of Link Referral.

In time your site will gain attention by Search Engine traffic spiders which track for featured sites.

I think there is a forum site here too. But I have not used this approach yet. Forum builds connection with other readers and promotes more traffic to your site.

I have lots of visitors after I have joined this link referral site. Thanks to that site.

13 April 2008

What makes a blog popular?

Though we are different but we are one. When I began to come into the blogosphere I was pretty amazed. The problem was- I do not know nothing about blogging. It was really a challenge to me. It is still now. Blog is like the universe- a never ending journey to discovery.

Despite having read so much about what other say about blogs, the common problem in the blogosphere is only one- that is driving traffic to your site. There are millions of blogs in the blogosphere and it is rising by the day. I think the blog increase due to the following reason :

the price of computers and internet serving falls
percentage of unemployment goes up
people are rich and gets lots of leisure time
people inspired by blogging
inexpensive and easy way to freedom of speech
rise in serious bloggers

So starting a blog is easy. But to stay on track is the difficult part. Traffic building is what is behind most bloggers. How to bring traffic to your site? A million dollar question from every blogger.

Two things need attention for any blog- theme and contents. A body will have shape if it consists of the skeleton and the fat. Both are important. But I think we need to work out on the theme first before deciding on the contents.

Do theme and content make a blog popular?

12 April 2008

Can Fools Decide On Your Destination?

The recent result show of the American idol season 7, make me ponder of the tactics of success. What are the factors for success? Do you have a great goal? Do you have the strategy of reaching that perfect goal? If you have all that then why Mr Michael Johns got eliminated when Mr Simon Cowell somewhere in the show said that he had a potential star quality?

Michael Johns is a fascinating. interesting, exciting and a born singer who has all the original quality of a singer. The charismatic Michael Johns is not only gifted with a unique voice but he closely resembles the late legend of Hollywood star Mr Charlton Heston. But yet he was eliminated from the competition for only one reason.

It is the playful attitude of the American fools who thinks that they can affect a natural talent like Michael Johns to oblivion by simply pushing that ‘gadgets’ of voting. Michael Johns is a natural supply of extraordinary talent in music industry. But the Americans who voted for the other mediocre, dull and inferior singers have forgotten one thing. It is them who will ultimately suffer of producing inferior quality ‘artiste’ from this season 7.

Listen to Mr Michael Johns last song in American Idol here. We have a lesson to learn here for the tactics of success. You can have great goal, great plan to execute but ‘if someone turn the sun around’ it is cause for trouble. Of course, Mr Randy, Mr Simon or Ms Paula Abdul will ‘miss him’ in the next round but in the bottom of their good hearts they might have thought that Michael Johns elimination cannot be justifiable. Mr Michael Johns will definitely going to make some albums in future despite his success being stalled by the imbecile nature of America who misuse technology for their bad whim.

If a quality seed is thrown in an infertile ground, there is no sprout of new life.
If Michael Johns do cut an album, I have a song title for him - ‘Don’t sit around with fools’.

It is lesson learnt. Great goal and a strategy are not enough. It is time to rethink about this episode- will you then let fools decide on your destination?

11 April 2008

Be Original

I had my lunch in a good place today . I usually go to this eating place in TEBAN. Here in Singapore we do not call it an eating place or house but we simply call it a hawker center. It is a very new ‘eating house’. You can find great ‘Singapore cuisine’. Well I am not going to write about food here. It was a well designed place.

Designing a blog takes up most of our Time. It is like making your house as good as your neighbours. You have to choose good colours and a pretty good header. It is not a 100 meters race but it is going to be a long road- a marathon.You have got to replenish your Energy.

If the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Believe that you will do well in the end. The crucial behaviour in any art is patience. Picking up such Attitude gives you that giant step for a successful blog.

Give an impression to readers that you are Never a Copycat. You can go to Copyscape to get the cute logo. At least try your very best to be be original as possible :)

09 April 2008

Stay On Track

The thought process of reason varies with each individual. Faced with more or less a similar challenge each individual takes a different approach to it. The mechanism of the mind is different with each person. Simply it is because our mind is mapped based on our origin, our set of conditions we grow up with, experiences, education, and values and so on. Environmental factors may be possible to affect an entity even at ‘genetic’ level. Emily Singer says that there is interaction between a gene and environment.

All will end well in their place of choice if only we can learn how to manage our minds. ‘I will never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong’ says Bertrand Russell. Beliefs are the reservoir of the thought processes effected by outside stimuli or experience. The thinking process happening in a human mind is a self organized pattern, which has evolved on its own, by the forces of outside physical source. ‘Like father like son’ can no longer be applied here. The bond between a mother and a child varies with families as all mothers treat their babies differently. Playpen is not a popular feature anymore as a baby caring product as it impedes babies’ mental growth.

Success is therefore lies in our mind. Manage it and steer your thinking to your destination. What you think is what you are. But before you put on your thinking cap you need to train your mind on the course you want to take.

Be Contended and Happy

Be in a state of satisfaction does not mean you are riding in the path of a defeatist. It is a transient oasis where a traveler takes his time to rest to gain energy to reach his destination the next day. In whatever position you are in right now you have to stay happy.

But to be in a positive emotional state you need to make some effort to stay in that state of felicity. There is a checking system if your mood swings to the ‘negative’ track. If you ask anyone you know that whether are they happy in their life the answer in most cases will not be a strong yes. It is hard to find a person in a continuous elative state.

How many times in a day you really feel that you are happy? I believe you can count with your fingers. For one reason or another you will feel gloomy. You have to find an antidote to being happy. But why do you have to be happy?

All decision emanates from your emotion In that state of happiness a person makes a better decision. Music and mantras can only alleviate your emotions for a short while. You can try the tips from WikiHow to stay happy.


I have the habit of discussing the tactics of a successful and fulfilling life with my colleques and friends. In most of my discussion I will not get a specific goal from anyone. All I have heard is that ‘I want to have big house’ ‘I want to be successful’ and so on. No specific answer detected in those answers. Only when you have a specific goal you can draw out a plan to reach it.

A plan can be linear or a flow chart. The basic thing to do is to go backwards from the goal you set out. If your goal is to earn S$2 million dollars in the next ten years then you need to generate around S$16K in a month. That is not all. You need to goal subdivision to make that S$16K.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Stay Focused

Once you have made a goal or goal subdivision you need to stay focused. But how to stay focused till you reach your goal?

In the planning part of your goal you need to fragment your goals till you can manage the small pieces. An income of 40 dollars an hour will get you almost 16 thousand dollars in a month.

Write down what you need to do in a month, in a day and in an hour each day. By writing down your steps it is hard to forget them. In a specific moment what exactly the steps you have to take?

Find a companion who shares the same goal as you. By making friends who empower you as how I am empowering you now will make you land on your dreams. They might offer your good advice. Reading empowering books can be useful to stay focused.

Distraction is one major obstacle to stay on track. If you need to do a task at that specific moment – do it. You will lose the opportunity of time and dive into mismanagement if you use that specific time for other things which derails you from your goal. A student who always answers telephone calls during her study time is definitely tampering with her plan for success.

Other time wasters are reading emails, reading text messages and short message service. These are impersonal universes and most of the time not connected to your goals.

Wavering mind is a product of having no goals. Do not let your self organized mind to entrap you in the path of failure. Rearranging your thinking process is a skill that can be applied. If you want something in life – define it. Be specific and draw out a time table to reach it.
Stay On Track!

08 April 2008


When I started a blog on three points corner, I actually was looking for a logo for my blog. But since I was very new to the blog world, I did not know that there are sites which can make a free logo for your site. One such site I recommend is Logo Maker.

What is amazing about this site is that it has highly professional pre designed logo for your site. And it is free.:

''Get an Account

Choose an image from its icon

Use its tools to select colors,
add text

Get the code and add to your
site ''

It is that simple. Logo makes your blog stands out from the crowd. It gives your blog an identity and ‘personality’. It shows that you are a professional. It looks very cute too! Go Logo

07 April 2008

Link To Have An Excellent Blog

Problogger is an excellent website on all the things you want to know about blogging. Mr Darren Rowse article on Link Up To A Competitor is an article blogger should read about.

How to make your blog become popular for readers? This is a question all bloggers ask before they attempt to make a blog approachable to visitors. As you link up your blog to your competitor, you are actually doing a favour to your readers to bring them to a location where you are guiding them the things they are looking for in the net. In this manner, as a blogger you are adding value to the internet world. Secondly, you actually want to show a difference between your site and other 'competitor'. Thirdly, you want to support your opinion by this backup site. This what i call external link.

Internal link is also good way of promoting your blog. Intenal link is by hyperlinking your other pages once written. In this manner, you are adding more clicks to your site and showing your visitors your 'blog home'. Yes, linking is important for any blog success story.

Linking is a communication. You are bringing your reader from one site to another or giving a 'tour' to your site. If there is a break in this linking and if your blog has no links, it means you are working against 'internet ethics'.

This morning while going to work there was a massive crowd at the atrium of the mass rapid transit at Yew Tee Station, in Singapore. This break in transportation to my work site had made me stranded to write this post. There is a break in my link.

I was stranded at the Station and informed my director by phone of the breakdown in transportation. Many man hours and money wasted by such a single incident. I got into the entry gate and my money is deducted. The vicinity was packed with people as though pop star Michael Jackson has arrived at the Yew Tee MRT Station. Look at these pictures i have taken.

I was thinking the blogosphere has something to learn here. To become a successful blogger all you have to do is one thing when posting- link to your competitor and other cites and link within your site.

Blog based on no links means either you know everything in the world or you are just taking for granted that everything fall into your area. Think again!

06 April 2008

Move By Imagination

Inertia is inversely related to conscious goal. If you can recall the position you were in 5 years ago and if you can find some changes now, it can be a sure sign that you are not an inactive person. One way or another you could have made some goals consciously or subconsciously to get where you are now.

It is your goal you have made 5 years ago for your business expansion. If it is otherwise, there can only two reasons for it. Either you love what you do or that simply you have not made conscious goal to steer through in life.

Be it financial freedom, emotional management or ending in a dream house or career, the one thing you have to do to attain your destination is to make out a conscious goal. To know what you are getting into is another way of saying.

Many people drive their lives based on jealousy or self pity. These emotions will not get anyone anywhere. If you can solve a dire problem - you are in the path of bliss and enrichment. If you can give tremendous value to other peoples’ lives you are part of the process of enriching lives. You are one of the successful ones.

Most people did not do what they actually want to do. They are there because their parents, wife or friends told them to do so. It was not their choice. And when they found that what they are doing did not give them the happiness and satisfaction, insecurity sets in. In hindsight, everything seemed to be regrettable. Therefore live consciously and decide on what you want to do consciously.

I have attempted to give a short preview of goal setting in my article on How To Make A Goal In 30 Minutes .Before you want to take out that pencil and put all those you learn there, you need to do one thing first. This is vital.

The first step in goal setting is to imagine the result of this particular goal to be a success. It can be anything in the world. But only if you can make sure that the result of it will add enormous value to your life and those attached with you, then you are ready to cement the other steps to greater heights. Remember if you missed this out in your goal setting, it is like laying brick without motar.

First thing first

Is there a simple step on how to use the power of your imagination to good use? Nothing is created in this universe wastefully. Everything has a purpose behind.

The fact that we all can imagine is a gift of life. It is a blessing. The simple truth is that most people are not successful is that they are shrugging off their imagination to be wishful thinking. If you are not sure read How To Use Your Imagination.

If you want to make an impact goal you have to be sure of the end result of what you are getting into. On the way home you see a very attractive girl. You like her and wish that she be your friend. Imagine the elative moments you will have by befriending her. We could have missed those succulent chicken parts if not for Colonel Sanders imagination and perseverance!

If legendary Muhammad Ali never use his imagination in a fight he could never have had become the ultimate champion in the world of boxing. In his own words ‘A man who has no imagination has no wings’. Muhammad Ali did sting like a bee!

The fastest road from point A to point B is to teleport a matter to that destination. It is imagination what makes you influence in whatever you want to do.

First comes thought, then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning as you will observe is in your imagination. Napolean Hill said this.

05 April 2008

Values Integrated

One evening while I was waiting for my bus, there was this bus waiting at the bus stop. It is not the usual bus where commuters board to the interchange. In my country, the interchange is a hub end for all major bus routes and there from the minor bus route out to housing estates by ‘feeder service’.

The unusual bus was parked at the bus bay waiting for passengers. After getting some information I came to understand that the bus is going near to the interchange. The charges will be one dollar. Wow! That’s great. It is very much cheaper than what I was paying usually. In fact I was saving 60 cents!

After I had boarded the bus I came to be more convinced that this service is much better than what I was patronizing. The bus was not crowded unlike my usual bus which most of the time is packed like human sardine! The seats were comparatively comfortable.

I found out that the driver is actually making a business out of his company vehicle. I believed he is off duty and making his way home. On his way home he is making at least 10 dollars (there were ten passengers in the bus). 300 dollars average in a month!

Undoubtedly, the bus driver is making out good value to him and others by using his company bus to good use. He is of course not cheating his company as the same amount of engine or the mechanism power will used to get to his home even he drove the vehicle without the ‘passengers’. Great thinking!

Now how will I make out good values out of my own resources?

04 April 2008

Beyond Competition

Outwardly, competition is inborn in us. Scientifically, only one sperm get the ovum fertilized after many billions of ‘sperm race’. Darwinism states that competition is not only moral, but necessary to the survival of the species.

We were taught by our peers how to win a race. How to get to the end of the track before your opponent does. Championship is a benefit of competition. At the same time antagonism is the end result. In economics, competition stimulates efficiency and innovation and brings down prices of goods and services. Competition is the system for optimum resource allocation.

A kid in one of the street may have a choice of buying the same sweet from different shops. The shopkeepers are in competition. Two agents showing the same house to buyers are in serious competition. The human mind needs a better word than competition. For enriching lives, we need to go beyond competition.

In the late 1970’s the Swiss manufacturers were losing to cheap Asian made quartz crystal watches. Rather than dwelling into deeper competition Swiss manufacturers went beyond competition by making high quality cheap watches which became known as swatch watches. By this change in business tactics, Swiss manufacturers were back into booming watch business.

If you want to be successful in what you do, then go beyond competition. A Security company giving security services to a building also performing other building services will be able to save the maintenance cost of the occupiers.

Competition means to go after something together. The point is one. Going beyond competition means to make out different values out of something. Whatever you are doing right now if you seek many values out of something, you are a good racer. Your are going beyond competition.

The recent move by Tata Motors to buy over Jaguar and Land Rover for US$2.3 billion is a brilliant move from competition to beyond competition. Tatar Motors has now a full range of cars, from the cheapest nano to the most expensive. In a way they have broken competition and will reach new dimension of true monopolist who give values for enriching lives.

Perhaps you want to have a wish list and try going beyond competition:

In what areas I can make out more values in my current job?

How can I make out more values in a relationship?

How can I make out more values in my company car?

How can I make out more values in a gossip?

02 April 2008

World Wide Web Consortium

World Wide Web Consortium or W3C -for short- recognized the danger that Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML could become fragmented as Web browsers had been fighting for market. They began to add proprietary tags to effectively create their own versions of HTML. W3C, therefore, acted to create a standard to which all Web browsers should adhere.

Engadget website has 100 error messages when it is run on html validator . Likewise many so called popular websites when run with the validator show many errors. I have been trying to validate my own website but it is very tedious. Today I tried this:

I got hold of this html tidy . I am using blogger. I go into dashboard and clicked edit html. I clicked expand widget. Then I right click and copy the html document and paste it on notepad. After saving this original template in notepad as FILENAME.html. I copy and paste the original template text onto html tidy to validate. I got the tidied html and paste it in blogger edit html. Blogger cannot upload the file as there are errors.

It is a real challenge!